“Dalle città invisibili al paese vivibile”By: IC "A. Manzoni - S.G. Bosco"Clean-up actionsReuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Puglia- Mottola16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24
“ SOS…CHE SPRECO LO SPRECO! SUA MAESTÀ…IL PANCOTTO PUGLIESE, SUA ECCELLENZA…IL PANE ALL’ACQUASALE PUGLIESE…TRA TRADIZIONI E SOSTENIBILITÀ”By: I.C. "MELCHIONDA - DE BONIS"Clean-up actionsThematic Focus: Food WasteItaly - Puglia- SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
ONLINE ACTIONLa SERR del BANCO ALIMENTARE in Italia!By: Ass. Banco Alimentare Comitato della Puglia - OnlusReuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Puglia- Taranto16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
ONLINE ACTIONLa SERR del BANCO ALIMENTARE in Italia!By: Organizzazione di Volontariato Banco Alimentare della Daunia Francesco VassalliReuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Puglia- Foggia16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Se butto mi dispiaceBy: I.C. S. G. Bosco- BuonarrotiThematic Focus: Food WasteItaly - Puglia- Giovinazzo16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24
Puliamo Parco TerrazzeBy: Odv Mottola AttivaClean-up actionsItaly - Puglia- Mottola16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
2 hamds per pulire il MondoBy: IClean-up actionsThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Puglia- Giovinazzo16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
LOGISTICA SOLIDALEBy: CibuSalusStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteItaly - Puglia- Bari16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Eco chef in azione – RICETTE ANTISPRECO PER UN FUTURO SOSTENIBILEBy: I CIRCOLO DIDATTICO EDMONDO DE AMICIS - BISCEGLIE (BT)Strict avoidance and reduction at sourceItaly - Puglia- Bisceglie22/11/24
Manifesta la differenzaBy: Classe IIB Classico Liceo SylosClean-up actionsStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceItaly - Puglia- Bitonto16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24