ONLINE ACTIONLa SERR del BANCO ALIMENTARE in Italia!By: Banco Alimentare del Lazio ODVReuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Lazio- Roma16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Tavolo 4 in azione!By: Consiglio del Cibo di RomaReuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Lazio- Roma16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
ONLINE ACTION“No waste, more taste!” da eni spaBy: Eni spaThematic Focus: Food WasteItaly - Lazio- roma21/11/24
Meno spreco alimentare più salute per il pianetaBy: Patrizia NataleStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Lazio- Genzano di Roma16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
RecuperiAmo… la cultura del non sprecoBy: ReFoodGees ApsThematic Focus: Food WasteItaly - Lazio- Roma16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Una casa meno pesanteBy: Carla RosetoReuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at sourceWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Lazio- Anzio16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Spazzini lunariBy: Comune di LatinaReuse and preparing for reuseItaly - Lazio- Latina16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
ONLINE ACTIONTutti a tavola senza spreco!By: ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO ROCCAGORGA-MAENZAClean-up actionsReuse and preparing for reuseThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingItaly - Lazio- Roccagorga18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24
Buon cibo, buone maniere, buona vitaBy: Fare Verde ETS OdV - Gruppo Locale di Fondi (Latina)Thematic Focus: Food WasteItaly - Lazio- Fondi16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24