Press & Media
Press corner
16th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction: 16-24/11/2024
- Press File: The 16th edition of the European Week for waste Reduction 15/11/2024
- Press Release: Over 12,700 actions on reduce, reuse, recycle and clean-ups ready to take place for the EWWR 2024! 15/11/2024
15th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction: 18-26/11/2023
- Press File: Awards of the European Week for Waste Reduction 2023 21/06/2024
- Press Release: The European Week for Waste Reduction rewards its best actions implemented in 2023 21/06/2024
- Press Release: The EWWR Jury selects the finalists of the 2023 edition 16/04/2024
- Press File: The 15th edition of the European Week for waste Reduction 17/11/2023
- Press Release: The 15th edition of the EWWR gathers over 14,500 actions on reduce, reuse, recycle and clean-ups across Europe and beyond its borders! 17/11/2023
14th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction: 19-27/11/2022
- Press File: Awards of the European Week for Waste Reduction 2022 05/06/2023
- Press Release: The European Week for Waste Reduction rewards its best actions implemented in 2022 05/06/2023
- Press Release: The EWWR Jury selects the finalists of the 2022 edition 06/04/2023
- Press File: The 14th edition of the European Week for waste Reduction 18/11/2022
- Press Release: The 14th edition of the EWWR collects more than 16,000 actions on reduce, reuse, recycle and clean-ups all over Europe and beyond! 18/11/2022
13th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction: 20-28/11/2021
- Press File: Awards of the European Week for Waste Reduction 2021 13/06/2022
- Press Release: The European Week for Waste Reduction rewards its best actions implemented in 2021 13/06/2022
- Press Release: One week left to reveal the winners of the EWWR 2021 02/06/2022
- Press Release: The EWWR Jury selects the finalists of the 2021 edition 12/04/2022
- Press Release: Over 12,400 actions on reduce, reuse, recycle and clean-ups ready to take place for the EWWR 2021! 19/11/2021
- Press File: The 13th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction 19/11/2021
12th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction: 21-29/11/2020
- Press Release: The European Week for Waste Reduction rewards its est actions implemented in 2020 01/06/2021
- Press Release: The European Week for Waste Reduction Jury selects the finalists of 2020 edition 01/04/2021
- Press Release: The EWWR 2020 to kick off with over 10,600 actions to reduce, reuse, recycle and clean-up! 20/11/2020
- Press File: The 12th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction 20/11/2020
Let’s Clean Up Europe 2020
Press Release: 500 actions to Clean Up Europe: the results 6/10/2020
Press Release: Let’s Clean Up Europe 2020: off we go! 14/07/2020
11th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction: 16-24/11/2019
- Press Release: The European Week for Waste Reduction rewards its best actions implemented in 2019 25/06/2020
- Press File: Awards of the European Week for Waste Reduction 2019 25/06/2020
- Press Release: European Week for Waste Reduction jury selects awards finalists 3/04/2020
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