Check out the EWWR toolbox and join the transition to circular and sustainable textiles

Interesting actions for the 14th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction are already arriving! Haven’t you participated yet? Remember, the last day to register is 13 November 2022. This year, the EWWR decided to focus on the huge impact that textile has on our environment, in terms of use of natural resources, waste production and water, air and land pollution. The textile and clothing sector is strongly impacting both environment and our society, but alternative solutions and inspiring initiative exist! Join our campaign and become part of an international waste prevention movement. If you are still hesitating about your idea, do not wait any longer and contact your regional or national Coordinator to get all the support you need, or check our thematic page.

Have you ever wondered what is behind the fashion industry and the overconsumption of textile? Do you want to know more about the impacts of the textile sector? Are you searching for inspiring ideas to change your relationship with clothes? Do you want to hear about success stories of businesses or cities engaged in the sustainable transition?

A week ago we introduced you to the 10 key words to embrace a circular transition for textiles and two games (Find the couple! and Team competition!) which you could use during your EWWR action. Today, we present a toolbox to provide a first level of understanding of the topic, by gathering material (interviews, videos, articles, books, movies, etc.) that will help you to create a critic’s point of view and to be part of the transition. It is a starting point and we hope this toolbox will inspire you to organise an action during the EWWR.

Download the toolbox here

The toolbox does not want to be exhaustive but rather to provide some first answers to basic questions on the topic.

You will find in the toolbox:

  • Books
  • Guides and reports
  • Podcasts
  • Movies and Documentaries
  • Videos on YouTube
  • Ted Talks

If you didn’t know about these resources, this is a great day to start shaping your life in a new and exciting way. Now it’s your turn! Follow us on social media, share this toolbox to raise awareness and suggest new material on the impact of textiles and how to fight it!



All the material presented in the toolbox is in English.