NO et du lombricompostage sur un marchéBy: '-Thematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingFrance- BOURGES16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Fresque du Gaspillage alimentaireBy: '-Strict avoidance and reduction at sourceThematic Focus: Food WasteFrance- SAINT-QUENTIN-LA-POTERIE16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Formation au Compostage [composteur gratuit]By: '-Thematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingFrance- ARGILLIERS16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Formation au Compostage [composteur gratuit]By: '-Thematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingFrance- ARGILLIERS16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Recycler l’Eau, mes Déchets Verts et mes Déchets OrganiquesBy: ParticulierThematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingFrance- SAINTE MARIE16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Formation au Compostage [composteur gratuit]By: '-Thematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingFrance- MONTAREN ET SAINT MEDIERS16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Journée éco-citoyenneBy: '-Reuse and preparing for reuseFrance- SANILHAC-SAGRIES16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Atelier UpcyclingBy: ParticulierReuse and preparing for reuseFrance- SAINT DENIS16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Collecte de piles usagéesBy: '-Strict avoidance and reduction at sourceFrance- TAPUTAPUATEA16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24
Rallye photo spécial SERDBy: '-Thematic Focus: Food WasteWaste sorting and recyclingFrance- ARGILLIERS16/11/24, 17/11/24, 18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24, 23/11/24, 24/11/24