Let’s discover the three finalists of the public administration and organisation category!
- Green New Deal (Grön omställning) implemented by Nxt gen GBG, in Gothenburg;
The Green new deal project is a sustainability-themed labour market effort, where practice and theory are combined. It offers internships for 18-25 year old who are currently not in studies or employed. The internship lasts for 3 months and takes place in a second-hand shop at Stadsmissionen (a humanitarian NGO), which provides experience in sustainable consumption, waste prevention, waste management, valuation, store work, customer service and e-commerce. They teach the theory of how global processes affect people’s everyday lives and how the individual can live sustainably as well as sustainable resource management, waste hierarchy, the reuse sector and information about how the 2030 Agenda is being implemented in the City of Gothenburg. During 2021 they had 250 interns. During the EWWR, they highlighted the initiative and presented how this type of labour market efforts can be part of the solution to set the foundation for circular communities and give young people the chance to gain experience within circular economy.
- Magazine Zero Waste snacks in schools in the province of Liege implemented by Intradel, in 69 entities in province of Liege;
During the EWWR, a magazine featuring Zero Waste Snacks was distributed to all primary and nursery school pupils in the 69 participating municipalities. The magazine contains 12 tasty and easy recipes, specially created by two renowned chefs in Wallonia, Julien Lapraille and Jean-Philippe Darcis. The magazine also features a series of tips and tricks to integrate the “zero waste” logic into daily life without too many constraints; testimonials from families who have adopted the approach highlighting the benefits obtained, but also the difficulties encountered; advices on how to preserve food; and playful videos to support the message. To make the message even more impactful, Intradel publishes a monthly video of one of the recipes made by the two chefs. Intradel has also put online tools to help those who wish to produce and distribute large quantities of zero waste snacks: a tool to calculate the quantity, advice for the organisation of collective production (group of parents or associations).
Magazine: https://www.intradel.be/produire-moins-de-dechets/reductiondesdechets/collationzd.htm?lng=fr
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoehIpSc_44
- Oil down the drain, not even a little bit! (D’oli a la pica, ni mica!) implemented by Badalona City Council.
This Catalan campaign has two main objectives: to raise awareness among citizens about the problems associated with not properly recycled domestic oil, and to improve the recycling of oil in Badalona. Before this campaign was launched, the citizens of Badalona could bring their domestic oil to one of the two municipal recycling centres, or to one of the 24 mobile green points located throughout the city. To improve this situation, they started a collaboration with the association of local restaurants “Forquilla Badalona”, who volunteered to collect domestic oil in their 32 associated restaurants and subsequently recycle it. When citizens delivered the oil in one of the restaurants, they received a soap made from the oil delivered, thus promoting the concept of circular economy. The handcrafted soap bars were made by people at risk of social exclusion in Badalona, bringing a social justice component into the campaign. During the European Week for Waste Reduction, information flyers and oil collecting funnels were given away in the restaurants and a massive information campaign was carried out.
Video of the action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqofQJjGFbM
Newsletter: https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=8bf8725dfe451f9bb48e46235&id=8b18394c58