The first Prevention Thematic Days, which took place during the EWWR in 2013, focused on reuse. Promoting reuse activities has a strong value for sustainable development because it not only promotes environmental protection through waste prevention but also contributes to social aims such as the fight against poverty, social inclusion and equality, job creation, and many more.
Find out all about the Prevention Thematic Days 2013 on Reuse in this report.
The Prevention Thematic Days 2013 on reuse were implemented in cooperation with various actors of the social economy, for instance the RREUSE Network that has implemented the campaign “Waste Watchers”, later on called “Reuse more, Throw less”.
A number of tools have been developed on this theme.
Factsheets & activity sheets
- Collection for reuse
- Creative reuse
- Give-box
- Repair fair/café/workshop
- Flea market
- Reused packaging
- Swapping event/service
Average weight table
This tool has been created in order to help quantify the amount of waste avoided by the performance of the reuse activity. It is an excel file where users can find different items such as furniture, jewellery, domestic appliances and others, as well as the average weight of those items. The average weight table is a useful tool to report the results of the activity and to make a reliable comparison of the results.
How to use the average weight table:
Before the reuse action: Print the pdf file or arrange to bring a computer/tablet to directly fill in the excel file
During the reuse action: Count the articles that were exchanged, sold or repaired; distinguishing by category. Use the PDF file to do so.
Fill in the final quantity (units) of items exchanged/sold/repaired in the first sheet of the excel file. The amount of waste avoided (in kg) will then be automatically calculated. We encourage you to use this information, by publishing and promoting the success of your activity in terms of waste prevention!
Send the excel file to your EWWR Coordinator.