Discover our new Euro-Med sister campaign!

Since 14 editions, the European Week for Waste Reduction is spreading a call to action all over Europe to promote waste prevention at local, regional and national level. Nevertheless, waste management remains a challenge in many Mediterranean countries and it’s among the major threats to the Mediterranean Environment (SoED, UNEP/MAP and Plan Bleu, 2020). Despite intense efforts, trends are not improving and waste production is still increasing.

In this context waste prevention and reduction strategies need to be further supported and disseminated. They can play a key role in adopting circular approaches and it is necessary to engage all stakeholders, including citizens towards waste reduction practices. The Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (ACR+) and MedWaves, 2 consolidated organisations with a solid network and expertise on circular economy and the Mediterranean context, decided to join forces to launch the Euro-Med Weeks for Waste Reduction campaign, highly inspired by the consolidated experience and results of the EWWR.

The EMWWR sister campaign will contribute to catalyze actual behaviours toward more sustainable consumption and production patterns, aligning to the key objectives of the EWWR while reflecting the social, economic, and political specificity the Southern Mediterranean brings about. For this first editon, the EMWWR is launching a Call for Actions in which different Action Developers will be invited to submit Action proposals that mobilize youth (18 to 35 y.o.) in the prevention and treatment of textile waste in the Southern Mediterranean area, in line with the EU Sustainable & Circular Textiles Strategy.

The aim of the 2022 edition is to:

  1. Recognize the work accomplished by public and private stakeholders and by civil society in the waste reduction and recovery field.
  2. Raise awareness on waste reduction, product reuse and repair, and material recycling strategies and active regional, national and local policies.
  3. Mobilize and encourage citizens (particularly youth from 18 to 35 y.o.) in the Southern Med area in conducting waste prevention and recovery actions.

The Thematic Focus of the 2022 edition will be Circular and Sustainable Textiles, in alignment with the EWWR thematic focus. This will contribute to highlight the strong impact this sector has on our planet but, mainly, to inspire actions that will bring more circularity into the textile sector.

Who can apply?

For this 2022 edition, the Call for Actions is directed and open to Action Developers, who are legally established and who respond exclusively to one of the following categories:

  • NGO/Civil Society Organization
  • Educational Establishment
  • Public Entity

 Likewise, in this 2022 edition of the EMWWR, the Call for Actions will be directed and open to Action Developers that are legally based in one of the following Southern Mediterranean Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

What is the prize?

A total of 5 vouchers of 2.900 euros each will be awarded to 5 Action Developers (1 voucher per Action Developer) to be selected among the proposals submitted. The vouchers will be open and granted to the 3 categories of the Call (Reduce, Reuse/Repair, Recycle/Donate). The vouchers will be granted to cover the diverse costs linked to the implementation of the proposed action. Likewise, the awarded Action Developers will be granted the opportunity to attend the Dublin Circular Economy Hotspot 2023, to be celebrated in Dublin in May-June 2023.

How to apply?

Read the full Terms of Reference to be sure you respect the criteria. The document is available both in English and French. Then, submit your action by filling out the form (select your preferred language):

You have time to submit your action by 30 November.

Visit the dedicated page of the Euro-Med Weeks for Waste Reduction.