AWARDS CEREMONY | The finalists of the Citizens category

Let’s discover the three finalists of the Citizens category!

  • Creating awareness for environmental issues, especially for children implemented by Ines Hansen in cooperation with Kreis Weseler Abfallgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, in some cities of Wesel (Germany);

Ines Hansen travels throughout the Wesel district as an environmental clown! This includes visits to kindergartens and primary schools that have previously participated in a rubbish collection action. Her primary target group is children, but she also likes to involve adults and welcomes anyone interested in environmental issues and wanting to join in. On site, she teaches both children and adults about various environmental topics in a playful way. The most important thing is that an environmental clown is always concerned about the well-being of the environment, and this is the central focus of all her activities. Through her activities, Ines Hansen aims to familiarise children with the principles of waste separation and waste avoidance!

  • Ecowrap – ecological gift wrapping implemented by Daniela De Bono together with her young son Luke, in Malta;

For the purpose of the EWWR, Daniela Debono, together with her young son, set up a Facebook page to inspire others to find more sustainable ways of presenting their gifts during the upcoming Christmas season. Their ideas were so well-liked that they even received a request to buy the reusable packaging, and another person commented that she was so inspired that she copied their example and posted her own creations as well.

  • Planet-friendly adventures with Climate Elves implemented by Bozókiné Szabó Ildikó, in Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary).

“Klímanócskák” tasks are incorporated on a daily basis into the educational activities and family lifestyles. To this end, Ildikó reworked the kindergarten education program to ensure all important green content is included. An easier form of consciousness-raising is through the organization of physical and mental competitions and playful sessions. These communication tools mainly target children. They incorporate environmental protection guidelines into the educational work on a daily basis.

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The jury member of this category is Jack McQuibban, from Zero Waste Europe.