Let’s discover the three finalists of the Association/NGO category!
- Campagna di comunicazione “Hai la stoffa giusta?” implemented by Fare ECO;
The association Fare Eco, with the support of the Europe Direct of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, offered free workshops to promote the European Green Deal and a more sustainable lifestyle in the city. The workshops focus on themes such as reduction, repair, and reuse. As part of this initiative, the association launched a communication campaign called “Do you have the right stuff? ” to promote circular and sustainable textile sector. The campaign includes several activities such as workshops for kids to produce fabric piggy banks, talks on vintage, upcycling workshops, field visits to textile laboratories, eco-printing workshops, and presentations on the use of washable diapers.
- Fashion Forever Festival implemented by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful (KNIB):
KNIB launched the Fashion Forever Festival during European Week for Waste Reduction to encourage people to fall back in love with the clothes and textiles they already have and learn new skills to make clothing last longer. The festival included different activities, all of them around the idea of giving a second life to used textile products. A workshop for kids to make a bag with used denim fabric called ”Create A Sustainable Bag with Titanic Denim”, a podcast about fashion’s impact on the environment and the benefits of second-hand clothing, a tutorial on how to get to learn how to use a sewing machine by transforming an old T-shirt into a cushion, etc.
Video: Fashion Forever Festival – Get to know your sewing machine
- Re:textile a way to make a statement! implemented by Gästrike återvinnare, in Sweden.
The initiative carried out by Gästrike återvinnare included a digital campaign where facts, pictures, good tips, short interviews, and material provided by EWWR were posted daily to give a broad picture of prevention, recycling, and tips on reducing unsustainable consumption of clothes. The campaign aimed to attract people of different ages and social groups, and they carried out several interviews focused on implementing a “TakeandGive” (TaGe) system in the workplace. Additionally, they organised visits to a sewing café and an aid organization that receives and sells used clothes and shoes. The initiative also collaborated with an upper secondary class in the third year of the aesthetic program to organize a lesson on circular and sustainable clothes, and to create posters with slogans and sculptures using textiles.