St Paul’s Missionary College


WHAT will be done


30th October 2023: After the mid-day break the EkoSkola students will go round the school to collect the empty containers of the disposable aluminium pans in the other waste garbage bag and plastic bottles (to serve as proof when launching the reuseable container approach and R.O. system project) in a recycling bag. This will be repeated for 5 school days till the 9th of November 2023.

10th November 2023: Whole school morning assembly by the EkoSkola students. Present powerpoint about the negative affects on the environment regarding the extraction and production of aluminium. The effects on the environment the aluminium has until it disintegrades. Physical presentaion to the students of the garbage bags with the real amount of aluminium collected in 5 school days. The amount collected of 5 days has to be worked out on a whole scholastic year and the statistics has to be shared with all students. Inform the students about the new school initiative to strictly avoid the consumption of aluminium by getting their own fork and reusable container from the 13th of November. Also, explaining the whole system of the use of reusable trays to prepare food – these trays are half funded by Eko Skola funds. An announcement by email will be sent to all school community regarding all the mentioned above.

13th November 2023: The school canteen will start serving food in reuseable plastic containers partly funded by Eko Skola, and not in anluminium foil pans. Information posters about the aim of this initative will be displayed on the EkoSkola noticeboards.

During the European Week for Waste Reduction 18th November 2023 and the 26th November 2023: EkoSkola students together with the Media students will take various pictures of the running of the new Eco-friendly system, possibly interviewing members of the canteen staff & SLT member together with teachers & students to share their thoughts about this initiative. This iniative has to published it on the St. Paul’s Missionary College Facebook Homepage.


WHERE it will take place





Action Developer

WHO will run the show


St Paul's Missionary College
# Educational Establishment

How can you get in contact:


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

18/11/23, 19/11/23, 20/11/23, 21/11/23, 22/11/23, 23/11/23, 24/11/23, 25/11/23, 26/11/23


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Strict avoidance and reduction at source

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