
• WHAT will be done


As you may know, at HAN University of Applied Sciences we are working on making the world smart, green and social. In this case green means we work to reduce CO2.

đź’šMonday, November 20th in R31 from 2-4 pm: Masterclass of the R-strategies: more info and registration

💚Tuesday, November 21 from 1-4 pm: Repair café at the HAN in the hall of K33 in Nijmegen and R26 in Arnhem: bring your broken coffemaker, cloting or bicycle and have it fixed.

đź’šWednesday, November 22, Nijmegen from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.: exclusive excursion to waste processor ARN Weurt: more information and registration.

đź’šWednesday and Thursday, November 22 and 23 from 10am-3pm: clothing fair from HAN Green Office in collaboration with RU Green Office

đź’šTuesday and Thursday: campaign against cigarette butt waste with Nijmeegs Annie.


• WHERE it will take place




Arnhem and Nijmegen
Campus HAN, Ruitenberglaan en Kapittelweg
Ruitenberglaan 26 and Kapittelweg 33

Action Developer

• WHO will run the show


HAN University of Applied Sciences
# Educational Establishment


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

20/11/23, 21/11/23, 22/11/23, 23/11/23


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Clean-up actionsReuse and preparing for reuseWaste sorting and recycling

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