Pacto Português para os Plásticos
• WHAT will be done
This informative masterclass, hosted by the Polytechnic University of Coimbra (PUC) in collaboration with the Portuguese Plastics Pact, led by Smart Waste Portugal, aims to raise awareness and educate participants on the critical issue of plastic waste. Part of the International Network of Plastic Pacts from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, this initiative brings together over 100 stakeholders from across Portugal’s plastics value chain with a unified vision: to establish a circular economy for plastics, ensuring plastics never become waste or pollution. Through two sessions, this masterclass will cover the goals, progress, and collaborative strategies of the Pact, providing insights into how the transition toward a circular plastics economy in Portugal is advancing.
This Masterclass will also feature a presentation by a Permanent Member of the initiative, Micronipol becomes Veolia (a plastic recycler), who will discuss the plastic recycling process, along with the challenges and opportunities associated with it.
Aligned with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this action supports SDG 12, promoting responsible production and consumption by highlighting how plastics can be managed more sustainably. SDG 13 is also addressed by showing how reducing plastic waste can lower greenhouse gas emissions, thereby contributing to climate action. Additionally, SDG 11, which advocates sustainable cities and communities, is supported by addressing the need for responsible waste management systems. Finally, SDG 15, aimed at conserving terrestrial ecosystems, is emphasized as this initiative contributes to reducing the environmental burden plastics place on biodiversity and natural resources.
As inscrições podem ser efetuadas até ao dia 19 de novembro no seguinte link:
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: