7th General Lyceum of Kalamaria & 8th Junior High School of Kalamaria / Thessaloniki / Greece


WHAT will be done


An Information booth will be available at our co-located schools to inform students about all the actions of both schools that are related to raising awareness on environmental issues e.g. recycling, social and economic impact of waste and the need to reduce waste.
In detail, following actions are an initiative of the 7th General Lyceum of Kalamaria and will be implemented collaboratively by both schools:
a) Website visits and interaction with children
Students will visit online websites (about composting, circular economy, foodbanks etc.) followed by a discussion and interaction with questions about their waste production and their actual awareness of their daily school (and after school) activities and how we can reduce the waste we produce at school.
b) Thessaloniki Food Bank 
Students will participate in a volunteer charity initiative to collect items for the Thessaloniki Food Bank.
c) Creation of digital posters
Students will create digital posters to invite the entire school community to contribute to their above mentioned effort.
Following actions are an initiative of the 8th Junior High School of Kalamaria and will be implemented collaboratively by both schools:
a) Recycling Rewards Program
The last 5 years, it’ s a common practice in our school to collect single-use plastic bottles and aluminum cans and recycle them into Reverse Vending Machines. Our goal is to reduce the waste of our school, to gain tickets for goods from supermarkets and support children and families in need.
During the EWWR, we will communicate this practice to students’ families, collect more material and arrange to recycle it.
2) Plastic Water Caps recycling
The last 10 years, we collect plastic water caps and we offer them to the Northern Greece Paraplegic Organization and to the Imathia’s Paraplegic Organization. In their turn, they exchange one ton of the material with a wheel chair and offer it to a person with kinetic problems. During the EWWR, we will intensify the activity. We will communicate it to both schools, students, families and friends.
3) Compost Bin (food waste recycling)
During the EWWR, we will start the use and operation of a new Compost Bin, in the back yard of our school (where we use to have one in the past).
We will introduce the above practice to our students with an educational seminar by a specialist with experience in this field.
We will continue with an invitation to everybody to bring a small bag with food waste (for compost) at both schools in order to use the new Compost Bin for the first time.


WHERE it will take place





Action Developer

WHO will run the show


7th General Lyceum of Kalamaria & 8th Junior High School of Kalamaria
# Educational Establishment

How can you get in contact:


e-mail: mail@7lyk-kalam.thess.sch.gr
e-mail: mail@8gym-kalam.thess.sch.gr
website: https://blogs.sch.gr/8gymkala/


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

18/11/24, 19/11/24, 20/11/24, 21/11/24, 22/11/24


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Strict avoidance and reduction at source

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